Eric the Pilgrim
an expression of my heart, mind, and soul, about a variety of topics from trivial to vital
Friday, May 20, 2011
Francis Chan -- Impacted by Writing a Book on Hell
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My Outstanding Son

I love how this photo captures my son Cody's personality. He is easy going, has a great attitude, and is so much fun to hang out with.
Of course, we had many wrestling matches over the years, that either I won or I let him win. he's 17 and I'm not really encouraging wrestling matches between us these days! He's taller than me, and has gotten a lot stronger over the years. I think I can still win against him in arm wrestling, but I haven't been challenging him to that lately either.
Thanks, Cody, for being the most outstanding son! I love you and I'm so proud of you!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Like New Strings on Guitars
I learned how to play guitar when I was 12 years old. My parents generously paid for my guitar lessons and drove me to my lessons. It was great. I've loved playing the guitar ever since.
One thing I realized early on was that if you don't change the strings on the guitar frequently enough, it starts to sound substandard. But it happens gradually, so you really don't notice it until it gets really bad. Then, finally, when you take the time to put new strings on the guitar...WOW what a difference!
My son, Cody, and I changed strings on our guitars last Sunday. Great time changing those strings together. The real excitement, however, came when we were finished stringing them. The sound was fantastic! It's easy to forget how good that guitar could sound. Of course, along the way there was the unpacking of the strings, the stretching of the strings, the clipping of the strings, and the fine-tuning of the strings.
As followers of Jesus, we are like new strings on guitars. First, we come out of the package for use, and the Lord stretches us and clips us, and of course he regularly tunes us. Great thing about it is that He never stretches us beyond what we can take. And He's always re-tuning us.
Sometimes we make strong major-sounding music, and other times our songs are in minor keys. Amazing how the Lord is able to make great music through His followers. And the most amazing thing is the Lord can make us always sound new. "Eternal guitar strings" if you will.
May you find the joy of being like new strings on a guitar, being cared for by the Master Guitar Player Himself. Psalm 150:4b "...praise him with strings..."
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Non-Profit and 2 Businesses in 11 Months!
Wow! What a journey the last 11 months have been! Around the beginning of November of 2009, along with some friends, I started launching a new non-profit organization called The Sending Project (TSP). TSP's mission is to unite the Church to eliminate physical and spiritual poverty in the world. It has been a fantastic season of pioneering this work, and I've had the privilege of meeting many wonderful people along the way. Now, we actually have functioning teams, 9 churches that have joined TSP Alliance, and we're facilitating our first conference later this month. God has been orchestrating some amazing things along the way! Can't wait to see what the next 11 months have in store!
In April, I launched two businesses. Never started a business before, but have wanted to. Allow me to introduce you to Green Kite Travel (also doing business as Eric's Travel Club) and MediaBoiler. Green Kite Travel is a comprehensive travel agency that specializes in group travel organizing for church groups including mission trips, while Eric's Travel Club is more focused on group leisure travel. MediaBoiler is a media company that provides high quality media for churches and non-profits at reduced rates. Both are brand new, and I hope both of them will help cover part of my cost of living, enabling me flexibility of schedule to provide leadership for TSP. Stay tuned for more updates about all three of these ventures in the near future!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Best Thing about the Tea Party
These days I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican...basically an Independent. I like what the Tea Party is doing, and I hope it can avoid becoming a political party. As long it remains a movement, and not a political party, I think it will continue to shake things up in both of our main political parties. And that, I believe, is the BEST THING about the Tea's shaking things up.
The people of the U.S.A. are rising up and saying to our government: enough is enough. Enough debt, enough taxation, enough government growth and control. So...I say...GO TEA PARTY, GO! I hope it remains strong, and can avoid latching on to any one leader personality. It's making a has the attention of the White House, and both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Back to basics is usually a good thing...and I believe the Tea Party is helping us take steps to get back to the type of America our constitution and founding fathers intended.
Angels and Airwaves
The live concert was executed masterfully. Another thing I appreciated about it was it's simplicity...they don't over complicate their music, which seems like you could easily do with "space rock." I'm still exploring their lyrics, but it's clear to me so far, that overall they are bringing hope, rather than hate and destruction. It also didn't hurt that the sound and lights were phenomenal.
With so much of the rock music world sounding like itself, it's refreshing and really amazing to have a unique band like AvA in the mix.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mission House KC
Sam is in his mid-twenties, and he's stepping out in faith in a big way. Way to go, Sam! I hope the best for you. He's not that far removed from college himself, and there are tons of options for him to pick from, regarding what work he will do. But here he is, in the urban part of town, going for it. He's chosen a less convenient path, for the sake of making an eternal impact in people's lives. If you know of an 18-25 year-old follower of Jesus who might be interested in an intense discipleship and mission experience, in the context of urban Kansas City, Kansas, make a comment on this blog post, with your contact info. I'll make sure to pass it on to Sam.
Go Sam! Go Mission House!