This is the name of a great book by Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision, which is a great organization that has positively impacted millions of people over the years. The Hole in Our Gospel cries out for the church to engage with the entire gospel of Jesus--to serve the poor and disadvantaged around the world. First of all, I am convicted that I'm not doing more in these kinds of efforts, and I'm on staff at a church, working with missions! It's time...now is the time...for Western churches to rise up and sacrifice in other areas in order to fill the "hole" so that there is a more complete expression of the good news of Jesus. Like Stearns writes, "God can't give you the blessings He has for you until you first put down the other things you are clutching in your hands." This is an incredible challenge for the Western church, because of how successful it appears to be in other ways. It will take sacrifice and great leadership for more churches to begin to lean this way. Now is the time. Read The Hole in Our Gospel and then decide what steps you as an individual and your church will take to fill up the hole.
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